I think the picture I chose for the assignment is first perspective because you see the ship coming over the horizon in one way and shows a good amount of depth compared to second or third that show a lot more. Here is the reference. I also didn't realize until I finished that it was a sea and not a sky so a lot of this I ended up changing a bit and had some trouble with scale in Maya.
Here is what I did. I modeled to try and get a scale then played with lighting. After I put it in photoshop then played with the colors.
It is a bit different like I said before, but I think it turned out pretty okay!
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Monday, September 24, 2018
Cannon part 1
First, I needed to develop scale for my cannon so I brought in the unreal man and used him as a reference along with the image planes for the cannon. I had a lot of help from others giving me advice and a big help from Cat which I am very grateful for. After I finished building I had the wireframe show how it is a low poly proxy frame and then began the lighting. I had some trouble with the lighting and then after fixing it putting it in unreal with a texture that came with unreal!

Thursday, September 20, 2018
Homework 5- layout
For this composition we had to take a picture from the artist Drew Struzan and recreate his layout from his posters. I decided to do Back to the Future which I think uses Iconic and radial. In the fact that radial focuses your attention on one point and then spirals out so I think in this case it can be from the car going out which I used blue lines to show and the iconic in the center with the characters to draw your eye to the center of the age which I used the green lines to show! I had help again from my awesome classmates to make the faces and body a lot better!
Here is the reference
Here is the reference
Here is what I recreated along with the composition lines.
Monday, September 17, 2018
Lego part 2
In part 2 we needed to create our section of the wall and also add our LOD to the bricks we helped modeled along the way. I helped build the edge pieces, the flag, and the front wall structure. This was also hard for me and asked for help and eventually got it!
Here I ahve the flag and the wall piece I built in unreal to see what they look like inside and also has the lOD on them too!
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Value Assignment
This was a hard assignment for me since I never really had a proper art class so I never really learned about value and lighting. I think it turned out well with John and Rene helping me learn about value. I now know to start with dark and build up to the light depending on the light direction!
Monday, September 10, 2018
Lego Brick
We had to create a special brick for part one that matched our teams area. I'm on the man-made team so I built one of the castle pieces. I had a lot of trouble building this small piece, but Alina helped me out a lot! I think I got it pretty similar to the reference brick!
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Silhouettes 2D Homework
We had to create silhouettes for our next homework and reference an artist and create different variations of them. I found this little creature cute and decided to reference him.
Here I created nine different variations which I actually had a hard time making! It was fun though!
Monday, September 3, 2018
Minecraft Cube
This assignment was hard for me with unreal and the UV with Maya. I started out with our cube and began to UV.
After that, I started making the three textures and was looking at a lot of pictures. I was going to do something out of Legend of Zelda or Final Fantasy, but I ended up looking at old archaeological sites wanted to try making small gravestone next to an abandoned house and added a prayer ground.
I had a lot of problems with doing this, but with some help I did it, but I still need a lot of work in Unreal and Maya. After, I uploaded all the textures then I began building my floating island.
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